I Can Make You Thin

Have you ever thought to eat whatever you want to eat and remain in your perfect body shape you always want? I am damn sure that you definitely think about to go on dieting once in your life to get your desired body shape.

But is it possible without dieting and eating everything? Yes of course! Here come the simplest way!

A revolutionary system, used by millions of people, created by Paul Mckenna so are you ready for something completely different. The world’s simplest weight-loss system that not only help to get your fittest body but also help to program your mind. It will give you to ways to overcome emotional eating and make exercise easy and most importantly the freedom of eating anything from pizza, nuts to whatever you want.

This is the shortest book on losing weight you have ever read. But don’t be fooled by its size. As I think you’ll also agree, thin is good or fit is good, and most importantly it’s what’s inside that really matters. Here we go!!

‘See how your body, and life, begin to change for the better’

“simplest and most effective weight loss system”

Author firstly describe the various patterns that makes us unhealthy. They mainly classified into 3 following patterns:

Pattern one : Obsessive Dieting A diet is any system of eating that attempts
to exert external control over what, where, when, or how much you eat.
Forget about dieting. Forever. Diets are essentially training courses in how to get fat and feel like a failure. People will often eat more when they realize that they had not achieve their aim.

Pattern two : Emotional eating Emotional eating is the number-one cause of obesity in the world. People eat with their different flow of their emotions. When they don’t find anything pleasant they eat! When they are happy, they eat! When they are sad, they eat! When they are scared, they eat! When they don’t have to do something, they eat!
just ask a simple question- Am I really hungry, or do I just want to change the way l feel?

Pattern three : Faulty Programming For some people fault is of their default mental programming and for them the only way to lose weight and keep it off is to go to the unconscious mind and change your relationship with food forever.

Now just forget all! Right forget what you have read till now ! but you just have to Remember these 4 GOLDEN RULES:

  • GOLDEN RULE NUMBER 1 : When you are hungry,EAT

All you need to do to reset your body and innate wisdom is to eat whenever you feel truly hungry. Save a screen shot of it or learn it whatever way you feel right but REMEMBER IT!!

The Hunger Scale : you can eat when at 3 or 4 and up to 6-7

  1. Physically faint
  2. Ravenous
  3. Fairly hungry
  4. Slightly hungry
  5. Neutral
  6. Pleasantly satisfied
  7. Full
  8. Stuffed
  9. Bloated
  10. Nauseous
  • GOLDEN RULE NUMBER 2 : EAT WHAT YOU WANT, not what you think you should

Always eat whatever you want without worrying about the food or thinking about what should you eat. Isn’t it amazing?

  • GOLDEN RULE NUMBER 3 : Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful

You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, so long as you fully enjoy every single mouthful.
For the next two weeks, slow your eating speed up to about a quarter of what it used to be and chew each mouthful thoroughly.So love what you eat as it is your choice!

  • GOLDEN RULE NUMBER 4 : When you think you are full, STOP eating

The natural design of the human body is to eat when we’re hungry and stop when we’re satisfied, but many of us are conditioned to eat until whatever food we put on our plate is gone. So what should you have to do is just ”Resign from Clean Plate Club”

This is just the beginning your time starts now! This is one of the amazing book ever written on nutrition, diet and fitness. I am damn sure you will love it!

Happy Reading!

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