The Power of Subconscious Mind

Do you know this book can do miracles to you? How lets see…

If we watch our mind then it is clear that it has two major levels i.e. conscious or rational and subconscious level. Whatever you think right now or doing something consciously going on in your conscious mind whereas whatever going on involuntarily is your subconscious mind. Subconscious mind created according to level of your thoughts.

Let me explain in more simpler way. When you do anything consciously for a long time or repeatedly then it goes in your subconscious mind. For example, You never forget driving even you drive after years because it is in your subconscious mind.

Dr Joseph Murphy try to explain in a very simple language, how to use your subconscious mind for getting what you want. That is why the title of book is “The power of subconscious mind “.Every desire we want is a form of prayer. Anything from health, security, peace of mind to happiness; is a form of prayer. So this book teaches us how to pray effectively so that it directly goes into your subconscious mind and gives you the result faster than any other way.

Everyone has one common mind, it is the use that differentiates. The power of mind exist before we born and keep working whether we use it or not. Dr Joseph told us about the mental healing in ancient times also in modern times. How practical techniques helps others so it can help you too.

As you keep on reading, you find specific chapters on

  • Wealth
  • Wonders of sleep
  • Marital problems
  • Your happiness
  • Human Relations
  • Forgiveness
  • Removing mental blocks
  • Removing fear
  • Right to Rich
  • Stay young

This miracle book gives you the techniques along with practical examples which will make your subconscious mind your partner in your journey. If I say that it teaches you how to pray effectively with your subconscious mind , it totally justifies it. So if you wanna learn some techniques especially praying effectively then this book is meant for you.

Happy Reading!

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